
Election of pro-family Evangelical to human rights post has Brazilian leftists up in arms. 




Lifesite News Article

Election of pro-family Evangelical to human rights post has Brazilian leftists up in arms


       I have been observing what God what has been doing in Brazil for the last couple of years. In the past 50 years almost a billion people have come to Christ in places where there were mere handfuls before. Brazil is one of those places. I read once that in its capitol more people attend three Assembly of God churches on Sunday than attend all the AoG Churches in the United States. A big portion of the mega churches in the United States at least started as Assembly of God.  What is happening in Brazil is a good object lesson about the growth of the prophesied Government of God in the earth. Now when I use the term "prophesied Government, or Kingdom of God" I don't just mean people who are personally coming to Christ. They are not the only part of all of the prophecy in the Bible about this indivisible kingdom that started to really manifest itself in the conduct of nations after the fall of the Roman empire in 1453 A.D. The main thrust of those prophesies is the "fruit" in the world that concentrations of tens of millions of evangelical\pentecostal believers would produce in the cultures they live in. Most people do not understand that the modern nation of Israel is a manifestation of that fruit. The scripture plainly states that when the "fullness of the Gentiles comes in" the Jew will find mercy. What that meant practically is that when there are enough believers and that when their principles and conduct guide nations. They will seek to protect the Jews from the persecution directed at them by Satan's wrath because ancient Israel brought  the Word of God into the world and prepared the way for the invasion of the earth by the Government of God. What better way to show them mercy but by giving them their ancient homeland and allowing them to defend themselves? So this prophesied Government of God not only brings millions to Christ through the Gospel that produces righteousness (equitableness\ goodness) in the  hearts of those believers. It also influences those around them. So much so that people who are not believers but have  personal contact with real Christians and the scriptures accept principles of the Bible for right and wrong, human relationships and human government. Ideally, the way things are supposed to work with these two groups, those who are believers and those who are not but accept the principles of the Bible for right and wrong. They are to become a super majority in the nations they reside in and thus found, maintain and guide constitutional republics that are bound to the morality and principles found in the scripture for freedom, limited government prosperity and justice. That in a nutshell is the what the Government of God is prophesied to produce in the earth as "fruit" as opposed to the absolute darkness of the ancient world and the abusive madness of pagan idolatrous empires that these prophesies were spoken into. So this brings me to the point of the example in the article linked about Brazil .

     Just as the Government of God, his rule his righteousness and justice is birthed within the spirit and heart of the believer to bring about and equitable and godly human being. Further that there is no other way to do this other than through the Gospel and a personal interaction with God himself and his Word.  Likewise. the influence of the Government of God to alter the morality and the course of nations cannot be brought to bear from without those nations, peoples and cultures. That influence that enables mankind to see a better way and to conform their conduct and beliefs towards that better way has to come from within. From personal interaction with believers who are not just talking the talk but are walking the walk. Studies have been conducted over the years to see how people come to Christ. They have found that 80%+ come to Christ through a relative or friend. The other, a miniscule amount come to Christ through a church, Christian TV\ radio or an evangelistic meeting.  Since this personal interaction seems to be the natural course for the growth of the Kingdom of God how then can it be expected that errant and selfish politicians will ever do the right thing politically if they are not rubbing shoulders with believers? In other words how can a politician or judge who is not a believer be expected to act  and fulfill his office of trust in a scripturally common sense way if he is not tasting, touching, feeling experiencing the righteousness and goodness of God through his associates in the political field that are believers? The answer to that is he will not. If  believers are not his associates being the light of the world, (the light of politicians and lawyers) then the children of the devil will be and will insure that a political class of a nation walk in utter darkness.  This goes for all areas of society. Politics and culture cannot be changed to reflect some degree of the light from heaven from without. You cannot have two separate and distinct cultures of Christians and another separate and distinct culture of unbelievers that do not intermix and expect the Government of God to have any influence among the unbelievers except that of horrible divine judgments. Believers have to be within the classes and cultures for God to be able to influence them toward truth and light, reason and common sense, real science and political stability. In fact creating two separate and distinct cultures it is the only option Satan has to continue his influential reign in the earth. He cannot compete with the power of Gospel of Jesus Christ so he seeks to separate people from it and from it followers. This is the whole underlying idea in Satan's scheming in the creation of government support of gay marriage and other aberrant sexual vices. To create two separate and distinct classes of people that do not intermix. The entire idea behind making gay marriage and other such absurdities official government policy is to seek to criminalize the message of the Word of God. Even more troubling is the push to allow open homosexuality in the military. The reason this is being done has nothing to do with the PR campaign run out of the headquarters of the Democrat Party. Why this is being done is simply to make military service incompatible with Christianity. To get Christians out of the military and especially out of the ranks of the officers. It's being done to remove the principles of the Bible and Christianity for human government that the United States military has been operating under. There is one reason the military of the United States and some other western countries do not rape the inhabitants of the lands they have conquered and commit genocide as a normal course of action. In fact they have showed great mercy and rebuilt the nations that have made war with us and forced upon them republican forms of democracy. That reason is the influence of the Government of God, the influence of Christianity and the truths contained in the Bible. You see the devil cannot get the military of the United States to fight against its own countrymen without removing it's light. Without removing its Christians from it and their teachings regarding right and wrong ect.

      In reading about the Boston  Marathon Bombings and those responsible for the murder one quote by the dead terrorist in particular affected me.  He stated he had lived in America all this time and had no American friends and he didn't understand Americans. That brought sorrow to my heart. I wondered if this person who became so demon possessed and filled with darkness had ever even personally known a real Christian? If he ever even had the chance to see the light of the Glory of God that is through and in Christ Jesus that shine's through a believer? That what if he had and that all of this could have been avoided because Christ removed the murder from his heart before it was ever literally committed? The east coast of the United States is not a land exactly filled with believers; so was his only exposure to Christianity cultural in nature? Over the internet, over angry religious debates and when he thought of Christians he thought of drunks, fornicators and hypocrites. In otherwords his only exposure to the Government of God was outside of him, and now in terrible judgment as he and perhaps some of the others he took with him receive the reward of unrighteousness at the hands of justly angry God?

     This is why this article about Brazil is so pertinent a good example of what is possible.. This nation, a nuclear power that 50 years ago for the most part was a nation of  non Bible reading Catholics, pagans, and communists is now home to tens of millions of on fire believers. They are bearing fruit by even turning a hard core socialists political class from their stated purposes. This social conflict is just beginning there and yet look at what they are accomplishing in a land that fifty years ago had almost zero influence from the Kingdom of God. I have a good friend in Uganda who is a pastor and been a military officer for decades there. He says that the Gospel has so much influence in his country that if you are an unbeliever the only way you can get elected to a political office is to fake that your a Christian. I was happy to show him a prophecy in the Bible that says just that. It was that way in the Untied States at first. All of our state constitutions from the founding era before and after the formation of the federal government are  religious documents that demonstrate close to a zenith of an understanding of the prophesied government of God on earth, at least ideologically. We have been at war living up to and holding on to it with the forces of evil ever since. If you have never read these state constitutions and you are interested prepare yourself for an education. In this link all the original State Constitutions of the founding era are listed and the Christian influence in them is separated out to make it easy to see. Not that the whole constitutions didn't have their basis in the Bible based thought that had been developing over the previous few centuries. The paragraphs singled out are the ones declaring and advocating the religion of the people and their states and how the newly formed states viewed it as opposed to the lie foisted on Americans through the courts systems and public schools for the last 60 years.

     The greater part American believers have withdrawn from this battle spiritually. (Not all battles but this one.) What do I mean by that? Well they fear what they see happening and labor and vote to try to stop it. That however is a bit beneath the breadth and scope written in the Word of God. That as a motive will never do. Gods interests' in the United States being full of light and truth and it's form of government (based in light and truth) being  exported throughout the whole world is far greater than his interest in saving his people from personal persecution. No, the fears and apprehensions and the prayer based on them will never do in his book. His people have to find a far greater cause than this to move him. Something way bigger than themselves and their personal welfare, He will be moved if his people find the promises and prophecies in his Word that speak to this era and place all of their faith, their hopes and their labor in them. That my friends dignifies the great cause of God and Christ and he will answer (before we ever asked him) to change our land. You see Americans have erred in the scripture concerning the future and what the Bible specifically prophesies about it. They have not attributed the Bibles own interpretations of its prophecies to those prophecies. They have taken apocalyptic prophecies of judgment that are specifically interpreted by the Bible as addressing the end of the first convent age (70A.D.) and the end of the age of the Gentiles 1453 A.D. They then applied these apocalyptic scriptures to our age. They then somehow amazingly missed the one hundred plus chapters about the age that would occur after the fall of the last of those four gentile empires where the Government of God grows from the rock (Christ) into a great mountain that fills the whole earth (over time). They have missed this even though it is happening before their very eyes. What resulted from this spiritual and scriptural error is that the faith of Gods people has been placed in false teachings using Bible prophecy regarding the future that have had the effect of false prophecy. Believers withdrew spiritually from their mandate that is part of the great commission. Making disciples OF nations (you start IN nations, the job is finished when it turns to OF nations.) When a nation due to an supermajority (an unspoken alliance so to speak) of believers and unbelievers, (unbelievers who have accepted biblical principles for life) that lay that nation's foundation on those principles and endeavor to live by them and fight for them. Laying and maintaining those foundations in nations is ultimately fulfilling the great commission and the multitude of prophesies about the Government of God in the earth. Isaiah 51:16 And I have put my words in your mouth (the believer), and I have covered you in the shadow of mine hand (the believer), that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion (Gods saints both Jew and Gentile), You are my people.

      The effect of giving the future over to Satan's will because of false teachings regarding end time prophecy are even more egregious than the error in the first place; because as prophecies are so self fulfilling. Christians have allowed themselves to be driven from all area's of government by the people and for the people.  Generally they seem wholly unprepared for the rough and tumble of politics and seem awkward running for high profile offices of trust. Can you imagine going to a Christian university and being taught to make connections now with other students and the powers that be so that you may eventually be elected to high paying corporate boardrooms;  then use the vast wealth and influence of those corporations to change the culture? Not conceivable right? Yet this is just what the 60's Marxist revolutionaries have done and are doing to deconstruct the morals and foundation of the nation so that they may impose  their own destructive views upon the whole world. The national and international corporate entities, (many of them created by believers in the first place) are falling lockstep in line with the cultural Marxist agenda not because it's good for business! No in fact it's bad for business. They are doing it because radicals have gone to college, made connections to do this very thing. Our sitting president and his wife are creatures of this very conspiracy and got paid  millions to advance their unrighteous and unwise agenda while the true patriot and mortgages the home to fight for the soul of his nation. Where is the believer in all of this! Well he is boldly announcing as if he were a prophet that all of this evil is happening because it is the "end times." Yet all of this evil is really happening because the believer has erred and is not involved in his duties and does not really know to be involved. He\she is not on those corporate boards stopping the wicked cold by his godly\wise and consistent influence so that cooperation cannot be used to advance unrighteous agenda. He\she is not rubbing shoulders and interacting on a daily basis with the wobbly senators. He\she is not a powerhouse of a politician not only able to hold their own ground but to convince even the most wicked lawyers of the error of the path they are on. He\she is not a governor of a state surrounded by like minded politicians\ individuals\organizations and strategies to utterly defy wanton and wicked rulings by federal judges that seek to impose their will on the entire nation. No instead a state governor  resists an illegal  and immoral ruling by a federal judge and the whole nation turns on him. If he stands he stands alone. There is no support network in place to uphold the godly politician when he stands against unrighteousness power that seeks to destroy him personally. Why not? Because Believers do not understand they should be doing these things. God can't show them or inspire them in this direction because their faith and the faith of their brothers and sisters is not grounded in the scripture and the prophecies that declare what is possible in the age that we live in. No their focus is on their own personal behavior, needs and desires. To them their own transformation is the entirety of the Government of God on this earth. That is a glass half full brothers and sisters.

     In finishing this up I want to urge you once more to carefully read with spiritual eye's the article about Brazil and to let it inspire you. Gods people have been doing a fantastic job of winning souls but a poor one of making mature believers ready to take on the world in Christ and that is where the inspiration needs to take place. To help this along I have written an article about all of the Bible prophecies that speak to past ages and our age. The focus of the article is to direct the reader to all the places in the scripture where the Bible itself interprets those prophecies and gives the names and dates when they were to happen. Yes all of that is in the Bible if you have a reason to notice it. That article is a message for this day and hour. One reason I know this is because when I place comments along the lines of this letter on the comment section of a news article with a link to that "End Time Prophecy" article. My website will get a thousand extra hits that evening because of the comment. This tells me that the fields are ready for a harvest along these lines. Very unfortunately the laborers are few.  People are hungering and thirsting for a change and willing to examine the claims even though  intellectually they already believe something entirely different. God is bearing witness inside their spirits that the words they are reading have the ring of truth to them and they are seeking out the basis for  "voice" of the Lord inside of them. Christ before and Christ ahead.

Here is the link to the article about Brazil

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